Master's Candidate - Courtney Cadieux


Courtney Cadieux completed her Bachelor of Science (Honors Specialization in Psychology) at Western University. Under the joint supervision of Dr. Graham Reid and Monica Tomlinson, she conducted an empirical research project on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and the mechanism by which mindfulness training improves emotion regulation in a forensic psychiatric population. Courtney is currently completing her first year of the MA program in the Field of School and Applied Child Psychology in the Faculty of Education under the supervision of Dr. Claire Crooks. For her thesis, she is conducting a mixed-methods pilot evaluation of the Parents in Partnerships with Educators (P.I.P.E.) program, which was developed as a communications intervention for families who are struggling to communicate with schools around the mental health needs of their children. 


Cadieux, C. (2016, May). Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation in the Context of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: A Forensic Psychiatric Population. Oral presentation at the Psychology Undergraduate Thesis Conference, Waterloo, Ontario Canada.